Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Stupid girl, I should have known, I'm not a princess, this ain't a fairy tale.... Those word couldn't be more right. Sometimes i start to think that i will never ever ever get my happily ever after, like the whole world is rooting for me to fail. These last couple of weeks have been horrible. Since i have moved to college nothing has been going right. I moved out here at the worst possible time when i moved my great grandpa was in the hospital fighting cancer. Thankfully the 2nd day i was out here he was released from the hospital but he's still not doing good and we all know that things with him are coming to an end. Just the other day i found out that my great grandma on my other side of the family was just diagnosed with cancer and she is not doing to well. After all this bad news i would love to move home and get away from this college and just be near my family. But since everything else was going terrible you know that this idea had to go wrong to. So i talked to my mom about going home and i can't because my lazy step dad won't get a job and since he won't get a job my mom can barely afford to pay the bills so they have to move out in like a month. I honestly don't want to be here anymore i want to go home so bad college sucks they keep giving me news articles to write that are nearly impossible to write because the people i need to talk to don't answer their phones. I don't think living here would be so bad if i had a better support system. Right now i have like nobody to talk to because me and my roommate aren't close enough to talk about stuff like, i just made friends and don't want to tell them all this about my life because i can't tell if they are real or fake yet and i feel like my boyfriend honestly doesn't care. He always tells me that he's here to support me, well actions speak louder than words. Some days i wish that when i felt like im falling off a cliff i knew that there is someone at the bottom to catch me, someone that would put in the effort to make things work, someone that would try and help with me with my problems, someone that cares, someone who randomly lets me know why they need me in their life but until then i must stand strong all by myself because in the end who else can you count on but yourself.